Exchange Rate

USD To BDT | Dollar to Bangladesh Taka

Looking to exchange dollars for Bangladeshi taka? This post is your one-stop shop for the latest exchange rates!

Current Rate (as of June 24, 2024):

  • 1 USD = 117.5 taka (approximately)

Here’s a quick conversion table to help you out:

1 117.5
10 1,175
100 11,750
1,000 117,500

Want to know more?

The article you excerpted seems to have some outdated information. The actual exchange rate for today is closer to 117.5 taka per dollar, a slight difference from what the article mentions (119.72 taka).

Stay Updated:

Exchange rates fluctuate daily. To ensure you’re getting the best possible deal, it’s wise to check for updates before converting your currency.

Here are some resources to help you stay on top of the exchange rate:


  • The rates you see online might differ slightly from the rates offered by exchange houses or banks due to their fees.
  • It’s always a good idea to compare rates from different providers before making a transaction.

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